hi pierre de lune, thank u for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. love your work! i'm curious as to what medium u use for your lovely creations? xo linda
Yes… I understand. To carry out fractales, it's necessary to use software able to do it such as for example: Tierazon, Ultra Fractal, Chaoscope, Apophysis, Xaos etc .... Information exists on the subject about this software. You can also read the heading INTRO which explains process. Unfortunately French should be understood a little because that was not translated... ;)
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Je souhaite féliciter
Sadia Hussain
pour son prix à la hauteur de son travail, de son partage, de son
esprit créatif tant dans les mots que dans les
Je remercie à mon tour, Sadia
pour avoir
partagé ce "Happy 101" qui illumine cet espace par tant de bonté.
Je dédie cet AWARD à tous les artistes talentueux que je rencontre, les
vrais, les purs, véritables créateurs pour notre plus grand plaisir.
L'Art ne s'improvise pas, il est en nous et c'est entre nos mains que
nous le faisons naitre.
Tous les droits de reproduction et de représentation sont réservés et la propriété exclusive de Dom's Creations.
La reproduction, modification, rediffusion ou vente de toutes les informations reproduites sur ce site ( articles, photos, logos ) ou partie de ce site sont interdites sans l'autorisation préalable de son auteur Dom's Creations.
11 commentaires:
Bonsoir Pierre de Lune,
C'est le traffique magnifique de l'ame!
hi pierre de lune, thank u for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. love your work! i'm curious as to what medium u use for your lovely creations? xo linda
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh c'est beau !
Khaled :
Non seulement nous avons affaire à une âme haute en couleur mais de surcroit à une âme surchargée de travail !!! ;)
Linda :
Thank's for your compliments !
I am not certain to understand your Linda question well… my English is not with the height. ;)
Crescendo :
On dirait le cri du coeur !!!! ;)
hi pierre de lune, i'm so sorry u did not understand my english. how do u make your art. what do u use?
Linda :
Yes… I understand. To carry out fractales, it's necessary to use software able to do it such as for example: Tierazon, Ultra Fractal, Chaoscope, Apophysis, Xaos etc .... Information exists on the subject about this software. You can also read the heading INTRO which explains process. Unfortunately French should be understood a little because that was not translated... ;)
This makes me want to see it animated, in motion. I see the complexity of the universe and the complexity if birth within.
Mel :
An endless spiral of all elements of our universe ... the galaxy, planets, earth, life ... eternal renewal ...;)
Bonjour I'd like to congratulate you for such a great quality site!
thought this is a nice way to make my first post!
Robin Toby
if you're ever bored check out my site!
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Hello I'd like to thank you for such a terrific quality site!
I was sure this is a nice way to make my first post!
The best way compile capital it is usually a good scheme to begin a savings or investing plan as soon in life as possible. But don't worry if you have not begun saving your assets until later on in life. With hard work, that is researching the best investment vehicles for your cash you can slowly but surely increase your growth so that it extends to a sizable sum by the time you hope to retire. Contemplate all of the accessible asset classes from stocks to real estate as investments for your money. A knowledgeable and diversified portfolio of investments in a wide range of asset classes can make your money grow throughout the years.
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